in other news, i'm so into boys right now. just like my flatmate.
this (well, yesterday) morning i wrote the following poem on my cellphone while waiting for the bus to work:
ode to the man at the bus stop
i looked at you
made eye contact even
and you tripped over a school boy
did i have something on my face
(besides two eyes, a nose and a winning smile)?
you did
you had glasses
then you went into the shop and bought oddfellows
that summed you up
i looked at you again
but you looked away
is this a thing for us now?
do i need to change bus stops?
i hope not, the other one is far away.
then at work after i got out of a half day strategy type meeting at lunchtime, feeling somewhat defeated, there was a huge parcel from the UK waiting for me at my desk. the parcel was from one of my favourite boys and it included this:
sometimes when my friend does things like that it makes me want to marry him. but don't tell him. it will go to his head.
and i'm really into this guy called mike or something who is in canberra because he might let me present something at his conference even though i missed the deadline for abstract submissions. which is like amazing. there are no guarantees, he told me, but my proposal fit into the conference themes so well that they are prepared to consider a late abstract. awesome.
and my god i'll be giving my lecturer the eye tomorrow (well, today) in class. i need him to think that i genuinely had issues printing out the bibliography for my assignment and not that i sort of didn't do one as i went along and sort of kind of can't be bothered tonight - since i had already spent EIGHT HOURS WORKING ON IT TONIGHT AFTER A FULL AND HARD DAY AT WORK.
the last boy i love is a girl. it is my massage artist. who gave me a back massage today when i took my lunch break at three today. my GOD. even though i have body image issues and even though i'm ticklish to the extreme down my right side it was fantastic and i'm ready for another hit already.
enough of me already. how are you?
(oh, and one more thing, i'm in nelson for the next couple of days).
Mmmm...I love having crushes.
me too. so long as they don't turn into unrequited love, crushes are awesome.
thanks for the bday wishes. i got a pink umbrella from my mother. it was random and ... pink. i like your poem.
molly: thanks for the thanks. and i thought you might like my poem. i was going to text it to you but thought it was at least as interesting i've blogged about.
jto: what can i say? i'm a guy magnet. hence the stuff. and canberra is the capital of australia. i hope there is chocolate, but my experience is australian chocolate = average.
man i'm sleepy i typed a mistake into my last comment:
it is meant to say
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