inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

guinea pigs are funny creatures. this is how i felt about them before this weekend.

i felt this way because they are mice by another name. and as i've already discussed, i have mousephobia. big time.

this weekend i spent time at the zoo. for no particular reason. and while at the guinea pig enclosure a volunteer let us hold one.

and guess what? i learnt holding a guinea pig can be nice.

that said, i felt the guinea pig was telling me, through its clawing, that it didn't like me. it also suggested it would eat me if i didn't put it down. so i handed it back promptly. but still, i'm taking baby steps towards overcoming my fears.

you know who else takes baby steps? nephew ryles. he took three. i gave him a million kisses as reward. although to be honest he probably saw it as punishment. here he is, contemplating life.

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