inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

before: i was sitting watching select live on c4 with my flatmate and she was like "ew, i bet you love him". the him is the guy by the select live logo here. and i was like "what?" and she was like "he's so your type". i was speechless.

even before that: i was walking home from class and saw this

and on closer inspection:

i'm thinking: what mean h5m1? do they mean h5n1? as in avian influenza. i assume they do because i'm a health nerd. and that's my frame. too sick for real made me giggle. like some in joke or something. i hope noone saw me. i also hope noone saw me whip out my cellphone and take the pictures.

also, has anyone else noticed my pool of secret admirers has dried up? i'm no longer hot stuff. further, has anyone bothered to check out the new link down the side of my page. it is some guy. i don't know him. and he wrote one entry that made me smile. i hope others read it and find it smile worthy.

1 comment:

Homeperm said...

apparently the white boy is my type. i wouldn't have said so myself. but feel she is probably right. sigh.