inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

one of my favourite people of all time told me last week that i was too negative.

the sting has gone, somewhat, after an apology of sorts, but i'm turning my life around. today i'm focusing on the best of the day.

the best breakfast: $2 breakfast at the occidental. my scrambled eggs were eggcellent

the best thing i found on the street: a fish! a fish! a fish! a fish! it was dead, just lying there.

best cake: orange and carrot cake from clarke's cafe. nearly bought one of the jam doughnut muffins but fortunately i didn't.

best dinner: the homemade dinner by my houseguest amanda. she bought wine too. i'm so tipsy right now.

best thing about work: my computer is getting upgraded at work as we speak. i will be able to instant message during work hours from now on... will work ever be done again?

best piece of advice from a coworker when i said i wished i could cry: regular sex. hmm....

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