inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Friday, January 27, 2006

Tonight at dinner the chef gave me glad eye. well, me AND AL glad eye.

let me set the scene. we were sitting at a corner table - the best seat in the house if you want to watch the chef - JP - work his magic. that this was the case was more coincidence than design.

anyway, we're minding our own business, eating, bitching about people, whatever. and he is talking to waiterboy and then *****gladeye alert*****

AL thought he was "just looking in our direction". big whatever. i know gladeye when i see it.

despite my self confidence, i have to admit to momentarily questioning my knowledge of glad eye. i had to look it up on the interweb when i got home.

information available includes: a not particularly helpful definition of giving glad eye, a website that calls itself a "gallery of hot chicks" (i refuse to link to this), a page claiming to have stock cartoons on gladeye (check it out, seriously: that's just dirty-old-man-ness. the gladeye is much cooler than that) and a cocktail recipe.

what the internet was lacking though is a glad eye quiz. you know, cosmo style: how to know if he is really giving you glad eye. if i were to write the quiz - and one day i might - criteria would include: when you are just eating and gossiping and he is in the kitchen, does he make seductive eye contact? a) yes, b) no. give yourself a million points for an a) answer and negative a million points for a b) answer. add up your points. a million points + = he's soooo giving you the glad eye. less than a million points = you're a caring person and everyone admires these qualities about you but basically, move on. he's just not that into you.

god my quiz would rule.

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