inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Thursday, December 22, 2005

today i received an email from a male friend rebutting much of my near evangelism regarding "he's not that into you".

the email, from an unnamed source, states:

If I were to be critical of this book, then I would have a problem with the underlying assumptions...

Life decisions are black and white.
(Of the 5billion+ people in the world)...
-All men act and think the same.
-All women act and think the same.
Emotions and feelings are unambiguous.
All actors have perfect information on their wants, needs and preferences.

I acknowledge these are weaknesses, but these weaknesses apply to any model you care to name. really. which is why we don't apply a model to all situations. we use our discretion around the application of the model.

nevertheless, i'm on the lookout for a new model to help me understand the world

so tonight, i went to pravda for a drink (and forced cowoe who is flirting with french waiter to give said waiter her number) then went for fish and chips at lyall bay (pictured) and then spent hours and hours in the warehouse reading selfhelp books. did you know dr phil has a book on finding love. basically, you wont find love if you stand at a party slouched in a corner, but you will find love if you have a killer opening line such as: what is the most interesting part of your work, or you're stuck on a desert island and you can only have three prized possessions - apart from sunblock - what would they be?

personally i prefer the line offered by one of my cowoes:

"you know what would be a perfect ending to this date? breakfast"


Emily Maple said...

Books on how to find love are funny. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Homeperm said...

i know? without them how would we know that we need to NOT stand slouched in the corner at a party to seem attractive. god bless dr phil.

Emily Maple said...

Jess: we are tots going out & using those words as an experiment. It'll be awesome.

HP: we will make sure to tell you how it goes!!!

Homeperm said...

heck, don't leave me out of the experiement. i'll do it too.