inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

nudie drawing was awesome tonight. one: i held my own with all of the old hands. in fact one of the best drawers there was having an off night, which meant that i wasn't ashamed of showing of my work.

two: garth bought us champagne and dried apricots etc... for christmas. which was appropriately festive of him i felt.

afterwards i had a christmas present exchange with some of my favourite friends. i now am the owner of an vibrant red set of tea towels, which i love beyond reason.

in other news i've added more links to the sidebar of this awesome blog. you should check out the links some time. the choice blog is choice. hottie alert takes you to the duranduran website, which is - frankly - lacking in simon lebon photos. but you can join the fanclub. which i have done. obviously. the randomblog found by accident belongs to jessica - a regular commenter (which is easy enough to do - try it out... it's fun) and it is ace. and just today helena sent me a link to her website. it is, i think it is fair to say, reminiscent of the earliest webpages, but i love it for it's quaint and info packed ways. and the last link of note belongs to economicsnerd chris. he begged me, basically, to put it on my blog in the hopes of increasing his chances of being google-able.


Anonymous said...

1. yes yes and now it is *even cooler* and *even quainter* because i have added a huge orange and grey mountain at the top to represent my new favourite word, "alpenglow". and a new cartoon at the bottom by mr shrigley.

anyhoo it is at least cooler and quainter than chris's.

2. i love it that, in the context of a report on a nudie drawing class you mention the "drawers" having an "off day".

Homeperm said...

i have had another look. you're right. it is *even cooler* - who would have thought it possible?

Anonymous said...

I dispute your assessment, Helena. My advanced metrics suggest that my site is at least a 9.2 on the coolness-quaintness-kickass scale.

Plus a 10mb+ homepage gets you 1 star for usability.


Anonymous said...

WELL, mr "anonymous" CHRIS P WORTHINGTON of the ARO VALLEY, maybe i have a 10 MB+ homepage because i don't know how to make internal page links, *so there*


i'm not sure that i won that argument. but anyway your page is only one colour.
plus, by the way: i bought all the U.S. X-box 360s back in september just to annoy you.