inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, November 14, 2005


Taken today at Dorothy's on Cuba.

There we had an intimate afternoon tea to take note of the engagement of miss julia. We ate cake and drank tea and talked of who could be matchmade.

It is wedding season, evidently. I need wedding outfits. Lord knows I have the shoes! But I need dresses I think.

In one of the weddings, my sister's, I have a key bridesmaid role. My bridesmaid dress is not awful, because I'm very good at getting my own way, and my shoes are so hot right now. There are only two outstanding items on my bridesmaid to do list:

1. write a speech. Which will be hard, mostly because I delivered THE most awesome speech at my brother's 21st and I don't know how I can live up to that standard, and
2. organise a hens night. Suggestions on what to do will be very welcome. Use the comment button: go on....


Anonymous said...

oh my lord your spam is about boston, gabs! it is about the boston globe. and oh my lord your spam is lying, gabs! i'm an MIT researcher and i have done no such thing. oh my lord from now on i am going to start every second sentence with "oh my lord" and end it with "gabs!", gabs! it adds that winning sea shanty touch.

your engagement photo rocks.

in other boston news dear to yr and my hearts, check this out:


everyone's favourite sustainable tourist attraction won! that is because i voted for it online almost every day because they sent me a postcard saying i had to. plus the other one i voted for won in the conservation section. oh my lord i am so determinative-of-voting-outcomes right now, gabs! i am going to become a pollster-predictor. love lena

Anonymous said...

i think this is the year you should get engaged. I would would luv to be ur bridesman - but only if I can wear my b/bag.

Ps. Your blog is coming along nicely, but I wish you would post every day

Anonymous said...

maybe i should get engaged this year. but i am running out of time. maybe i should get julia to matchmake ME!