Hilarious email I received today, which I took as a burrrrn:
People who are trying to decide whether to create a blog or not go through a thought process much like this:
- The world sure needs more of ME.
- Maybe I'll shout more often so that people nearby can experience the joy of knowing my thoughts.
- No, wait, shouting looks too crazy.
- I know - I'll write down my daily thoughts and badger people to read them.
- If only there was a description for this process that doesn't involve the words egomaniac or unnecessary.
- What? It's called a blog? I'm there!
I'm not one to be self centred, so this doesn't apply to me. My purpose was to secure the awesome name: homeperm - inspired by a truly inspiring New Zealander, former coworker and close personal friend of prof. boston.
My more recent purposes are two fold. One: to give R Kelly the props he deserves and Two: to complain about stuff.
Today's complaints relate to the whole week so far:
tuatahi: the shop chick who was indifferent to the fact i burrrrned my arm on her soup warmer.
tuarua: wednesday night tele.
tuatoru: dried apricots. they annoy me.
tuawha: dial-up internet. enough said.
I have plenty more but should save some for later.
I agree!. You are my inspiration. Now I can drink less.
Also, I think your clock is wrong.
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