inspired by a coworker, these are the days of my life...

Monday, March 09, 2009

a while ago i got tagged in about a million facebook 25 things memes. time magazine dubbed it 25 things i didn't want to know about you. i've dubbed it a great way to fill my blog.

part one: facts 1 through 5.

1. i got lost in the maize maze on saturday. and what helped me to survive is remembering a jem episode where they stay at a mansion and there is a maze and one of the tricks is to touch a wall and never take your hand off it until you get to the end. god bless rio (unrelated, but true).

2. one of the best days of my life was when my dad brought home izzy, the greatest dog that ever lived. i was ten.

3. i talk up my singstar ability. to put it another way, i'm probably not as good as i've told you i am.

4. last christmas, by wham! is one of the greatest songs i've ever heard.

5. i genuinely can't decide which is better: chocolate or lime milkshakes.


Anonymous said...

I think the best thing to do with milkshakes is to double up on flavours, so at Maranui I get Chocolate & Strawberry (and they'll always deliver it with extra pomp and grandness) and at SMK I get peanut butter & caramel.

Anonymous said...

I had a crazily good lime milkshake at Mojo.